Thursday, April 30, 2009

fast week

Have been doing a lot of animating this week, some problems, but most of it was fun. :)

I noticed some slowdown when there was a fullscreen movieclip symbol animating.
It looks like slow motion during playback. I can easily change the motion tweened MC to a frame by frame shape motion to prevent this.
But I like the slow motion effect, so I'll try to keep one slow motion section during the beam movement.

I also had to horiztonally flip both the dino's ( sniff, O_O, >=) ) scenes because I built them the wrong way.
Because I flipped everything most of the shape tweens where out of whack, so I spend a bit of time fixing them as well. I had to fix this scene because blue is always coming in from the left, and red is always coming in from the right. This is to keep it consistant, so the viewer can understand what is going on since the action is kinda fast.

Also, I haven't animated any arms on the dinos yet. The characters don't use them at all so it is not really needed. I can acomplish the dino's gestures without arms. Throughout the planning I really tried to think about how the dinosaurs would move without arms, as they are tiny compared to his main devices (teeth+feet+tail). So I watched sparrows and seagulls and stuff in the holidays. Just paying attention to how they move about.
If I have time at the end (which I doubt I will), I would want to go back and animate them in. Just because it would make it more like a dinosaur and not a like a dinosaur-like creature with no arms. Or maybe having no arms adds to the animation's story line on how the dinos are ant-size, and the whole fanstasy type enviroment.

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