Thursday, May 7, 2009

For next time...

More storyboarding. My thumbnail storyboards worked nicely, but I didn't think about all of the transitions between scenes. Which causes problems down the line with continuity, timing of the animation and extra time it takes ot modify stuff at the start and end of scenes.

More frame by frame. Some of the shape tweens really pissed me off trying to get them to work how I wanted. I used tons of shape tweens (rather than motion tweens) throughout the animation because shape tweens are eaisier to process by the machine, and if you have too many mtion tweens in one scene it causes slowdown. A problem with syncing to music. Flash player skips frames if it gets behind, and I dont like that.
If more was frame by frame, it will take a little longer, but it gives a more organic feel to movement. As I have found, there are a very little amount of shortcuts to animating fire/water/dust/etc (anything that "flows") and FBF is the only way to acheive realistic looking effects.

More story. Like a possible back story for the characters, personalities, etc. Also I think I need to finalise the complete story before animating. I love to jump into animating the characters and such, but if you change the story halfway through you might need to scrap some/all of the animation. Which would be a big waste of time.
The guys from Pixar are always going on about how "story is king", which I now understand completely.

More acheivable timeline. I was pretty much working non stop to just to get this project done. I was animating for 2-3 weeks for 80 seconds = 4.4 seconds a day. Roughly. Maybe i'll go for high quality 2 seconds a day? Depends on how much longer FBF takes for me.

Thinking about copyright bs. Copright material is so troublesome. Perhaps too troublesome to attmept again any time soon. NZ laws are whack. What's wrong with making something for entertainment. Lame...anyways...

A seperate flash file for character's body parts, and another file for effects.
It was time consuming to look through all the files to find a simple object. If I had a file library it would be a lot quicker. :)

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