Sunday, March 29, 2009

fire/electricity/light/pixel project ideas

controlling elements (ex. avatar/pokemon/DBZ/etc)
interactive puzzle using light
combining fire + light = explosions
flash animation for practice for final project
fire vs electricity battle
connecting circuits
light battle in darkness (using fire vs electricity or something) (similar to advent childen cloud vs sephiroth in building (blade clashes result in lighting up the darkness))

possibly a fire vs electricity battle between two characters. probally t-rexes for practice. or maybe flightless birds. something that has similar movements to a t-rex

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

artist research

Nam June Paik
Interesting how the old style TV screens fit together to make the robot models.

romy achituv
"text rain" interactive element is interesting.

du zhenjun
The end has no end
Looks cool weaving in, out and around of the pillars.
Cool how the viewer can control the direction of wind. As if he is controlling the element of wind.
Viewer can physically move around to try get a better look. It reminds me of when certain people play driving games, and they rock side to side, and "turn" the controller as if it is a steering wheel. Ha.

erwin redl
matrix works looks cool because of the 3D space
flow: it would be better if it worked like music bars, moving up and down.

kinetic sculpture
pretty damn amazing.

art + com
fun way to learn about the awesomeness of dinosaurs. Ace idea.

phenakistiscope wheel

I cut out a phenakistiscope wheel, and 12 frames for the animation.
Still have to put it together and see if it works.

Made it, it works. But is kind of hard to distinguish because it is only greyscale and a subtle animation.
It would work more effectively if it worked as a complete loop, had colour, and changed shape or something similar.

Monday, March 23, 2009

model of early cinema (any media)

I used flash to rotate a wheel with a sequence of images (that create an animation) around the outside, with a viewfinder over top.
It worked well in the program.

I then made a model of the same thing with paper/cardboard, but it didn't work at all.
The images on the wheel just turned into a blur. It looks like this technique only works if it is viewed at a certain frame rate with a certain rotation speed.

I'll try to turn it into a phenakistiscope wheel.
How to make one.
I printed out the 12 frames needed, so I'll make another.

Another one:
Turning on the light reveals hidden image.
I made something like this in flash. move the mouse to light it up.
Not quite the same because of the gradient, but this could be achieved with transparent layer and shading.
I'll try to make a paper model of this also.

filming remoscopes

I found it hard to find something interesting to film.

But I finally did some that were fairly interesting.
All are around 1 minute, and you can just mute the sound.
1) Remoscope: amazing circle of wonder
2) Remoscope: footsteps above
3) Remoscope: footsteps above 2
4) Remoscope: crowd reflections

Monday, March 16, 2009


camouflage something maybe?
Like how animals only become visible when they move.
like birds in leaf litter/tigers in jungle/etc

From the spark to the pixel

-remoscope #1
-remoscope #2
-model of early cinema (any media)
17th - 27th march (completed)

-Final project that encorporates two of the core elements (fire/electricity/light/pixel)
27th march - 27th april (four weeks)

+ document research in blog.